Building Better Monoliths - Implementing Modulithic Applications with Spring

Offered By: Devoxx via YouTube


Devoxx Courses Software Architecture Courses Package Design Courses

Course Description


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Explore the concept of building better monoliths through implementing modulithic applications with Spring in this 51-minute conference talk by Oliver Gierke at Devoxx. Discover a pragmatic alternative to microservices architecture that addresses the challenges of maintaining modularity in monolithic applications. Learn about code organization, component structure, package design, transactions, and event-driven bounded context interaction. Gain insights into Spring Boot ecosystem features for testing individual bounded contexts and detecting architectural violations. Understand how to implement and preserve architectural concepts in modular monolithic applications, preparing for potential future system splits. The talk covers topics such as monolith vs. microservice comparisons, Java Module System, external tools, moduliths, bootstrap modes, API package conventions, and resources.


Monolith VS. Microservice
Singular Artifact
Multiple Artifacts
Java Module System
External Tools
Bootstrap modes
API Package Convention

Taught by


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