Building a High-Performance Team is Everyone's Job

Offered By: GOTO Conferences via YouTube


GOTO Conferences Courses Conflict Resolution Courses Trust Building Courses Feedback Mechanisms Courses Team Building Courses Team Performance Courses

Course Description


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Explore a conference talk that delves into the collaborative effort required to build high-performance teams. Learn how team success is not solely the responsibility of managers but involves active participation from all members. Discover insights on creating a culture of trust, the importance of speed in engineering, and the neutral role of structure in team dynamics. Examine the significance of relatedness, vulnerability, and effective conflict management in fostering a strong team environment. Gain valuable takeaways on improving team performance, including strategies for conducting learning reviews, enhancing interview processes, and addressing common challenges such as boring meetings. Benefit from the speaker's experience as a former CTO and manager, as she shares practical advice and real-world examples to help you contribute to building a high-performing team in your organization.


About me
About me as a manager
Cultural segfault
Culture of fear
Negative feedback
A wakeup call
A culture of trust
My Experience with Speed
Engineers Like to Ship
Structure or Not
Structure is Neutral
Structure Causes Problems
Tacoma Narrows Bridge
Pacific Northwest
Engineering Ladder
Learning Review
The Hammer
Boring Meetings
Thank you
Technical Decisions
Culture of Trust
Questions from the floor

Taught by

GOTO Conferences

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