Building a Company on Scala

Offered By: Scala Days Conferences via YouTube


Scala Days Courses Scala Courses Code Quality Courses Functional Programming Courses Team Building Courses

Course Description


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Explore the journey of building a company on Scala in this Scala Days Copenhagen 2017 conference talk. Discover how Tapad's CTO and co-founder, Dag Liodden, made the decision to use Scala in 2010, providing the technical foundation to scale the company to manage over 20 PB of data and achieve a $360 million acquisition. Delve into the challenges faced by both experienced and novice Scala developer teams, and learn how to overcome these barriers. Gain insights on delivering high-quality code at high velocity using Scala, and understand the importance of frameworks in maintaining productivity. Examine the trade-offs between reactive and async vs. sync approaches, and learn to avoid premature abstractions. Discover strategies for team training, explanation, scrutiny, and evolution in the Scala ecosystem. Whether you're an engineer or entrepreneur, acquire valuable knowledge on building a successful team or company using Scala as your primary programming language.


A Framework is a Formalization of Patterns and Best Practices It's Necessary to Stay Productive
There are Few Frameworks in Scala-Land Toolkits rule the Scala domain
Constructing a Framework Because you have to
"FP" Mastery is not Required to Master Scala Scala is not Java, but it's also not Haskell
Don't Let The Possibilities Intimidate or Seduce You
You Want To Apply Scala
Tools and Toolkits are Means to an End Eager awareness, careful adoption Everything has trade-offs
Reactive and Async vs Sync Make a fim decision early, midde-ground does not work
Premature and One-Off Abstractions
Don't Leave It to a Single Developer
Let The Tools Fade Into The Background Spend more time on higher level design
Train, Explain, Scrutinize, Evolve As a team and community

Taught by

Scala Days Conferences

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