Build Your Own Operating System

Offered By: Chris Titus Tech via YouTube


Operating System Development Courses Bootloaders Courses

Course Description


Learn how to build your own custom operating system in this comprehensive 30-minute tutorial. Discover the process of creating a personalized OS without bloatware, spyware, or big tech influence. Follow step-by-step instructions on booting from USB, setting up the base system, partitioning disks, and installing essential components. Explore various desktop environments, customize graphics and applications, and configure your system to your exact specifications. Gain insights into file explorers, terminals, and desktop customization options. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have the knowledge to create a tailored operating system that meets your unique needs and preferences.


Boot from USB
Setting up Base
Main Menu
Disk Partitioning
Base Install
Base Config
Bootloader Install
Installer and Updates
Default Programs
Graphics Setup
Desktop Environment Setup
Desktop Applications
Final Config Tweaks
First Boot of our System
File Explorers
KDE Customization
Midori and Other Desktops
Final Thoughts

Taught by

Chris Titus Tech

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