Build a Portfolio Website With React & Sanity.io

Offered By: Traversy Media via YouTube


React Courses Web Development Courses GitHub Courses Visual Design Courses Content Management Courses Netlify Courses

Course Description


Learn to build a comprehensive portfolio website using React, Sanity.io, and Tailwind CSS in this detailed tutorial. Start from scratch, covering the basics of React, content management with Sanity, and design implementation using Tailwind. Follow step-by-step instructions to set up the development environment, create essential components like the navbar, home page, posts, projects, and about sections. Master React routing, integrate Sanity Studio for content management, and implement responsive designs with Tailwind CSS. Conclude by pushing the project to GitHub and deploying the finished portfolio to Netlify and Sanity. Perfect for beginners looking to create a professional online presence.


- Intro.
- Setup React app, Sanity Studio, and GitHub.
- Setup TailwindCSS.
- React Routing.
- Navbar component.
- Home component.
- Posts component.
- Projects component.
- Single Post component.
- About component.
- Wrap up and push to GitHub.
- Deploy to Netlify and Sanity.
- Outro (We did it!).

Taught by

Traversy Media

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