Using Path Blur Filter in Photoshop to Create Dynamic Photos

Offered By: Greg Benz Photography via YouTube


Adobe Photoshop Courses Photo Editing Courses Image Manipulation Courses Smart Objects Courses Clone Stamp Tool Courses

Course Description


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Learn how to use Photoshop's Path Blur filter to add dynamic movement to your photographs in this 19-minute tutorial video. Discover a step-by-step process for creating realistic motion effects, including creating a clone stamp, converting to a smart object, applying path blur, masking, and removing artifacts. Compare the advantages of Path Blur over traditional Motion Blur and gain insights into exposure blending techniques. Follow along with practical demonstrations and expert tips to enhance your photo editing skills and bring your images to life.


Overview of exposure blending used to prep the image
Step #1: Create clone stamp to be blurred
[demo of why motion blur won't work on this image]
Step #2: Convert to smart object
Step #3: Path blur
Step #4: Add layer mask to control where blur is applied
Step #5: Edit smart object to get rid of blur artifacts
Comparison of Motion vs Path Blur, and Recap of the process

Taught by

Greg Benz Photography

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