Boundaries and Defects in the 3D O(N) Model

Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube


Quantum Physics Courses Quantum Many-Body Physics Courses Quantum Spin Liquid Courses Non-Fermi Liquids Courses Quantum Critical Points Courses

Course Description


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Explore boundaries and defects in the 3d O(N) model through this 46-minute conference talk by Max Metlitski from MIT. Delivered as part of the "Theories, Experiments and Numerics on Gapless Quantum Many-body Systems" conference at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, delve into advanced topics in quantum many-body physics. Gain insights into deconfined quantum critical points, quantum spin liquids, non-Fermi liquids, and other gapless quantum states. Examine the interplay between theory, numerical simulations, and experimental progress in understanding strongly correlated gapless systems. Engage with cutting-edge research on symmetries, anomalies, dualities, and their implications for quantum critical phenomena.


Boundaries and defects in the 3d O(N) mode ▸ Max Metlitski (MIT)

Taught by

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics

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