Quantum Geometry in Topological Bands - Chern Insulators from Landau Level Description and Beyond

Offered By: PCS Institute for Basic Science via YouTube


Quantum Hall Systems Courses Quantum Geometry Courses Chern Insulators Courses Anderson Localization Courses

Course Description


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Explore quantum geometry and topological phases of matter in a 37-minute lecture by Bo Yang from PCS Institute for Basic Science. Delve into the relationship between Landau levels in quantum Hall systems and narrow Chern bands in 2D crystals. Examine recent experimental breakthroughs in twisted multilayer structures and moire lattices, which offer promising platforms for realizing integer and correlated topological quantum fluids. Investigate key questions comparing these systems, including what constitutes "good qualities" of Chern bands for strongly correlated topological phases and unique behaviors of lattice Chern bands beyond Landau level physics. Learn about the ideal flatband formalism in moire systems and how Landau level physics aids in understanding dynamical properties of Chern bands. Discuss the absence of Anderson localization in Chern bands with superlattice potential and the impact of electron-electron interactions on integer Chern insulator dynamics through non-uniform quantum geometric tensor. Consider the experimental implications for the robustness of topological phases in 2D quantum materials.


Bo Yang: Quantum Geometry in Topological Bands: Chern Insulators from Landau Level Description and

Taught by

PCS Institute for Basic Science

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