Blender 3.6 Beginner Tutorial - Fantasy Sword Modeling - Part 2

Offered By: CG Fast Track via YouTube


Blender Courses 3d Modeling Courses Texturing Courses Extrusion Courses Shading Courses

Course Description


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Continue the beginner-friendly Blender 3.6 tutorial series by diving into the creation of a fantasy sword. Learn essential 3D modeling techniques including extrusion, inset, loop cuts, and modifiers while constructing the blade, guard, handle, and pommel. Explore the Shading tab to add materials, textures, and special effects like scratches and glowing runes. Master key concepts such as subdivision surfaces, edge creases, and shader networks to enhance your 3D modeling skills. Follow along with provided project files and step-by-step instructions in this comprehensive 1 hour and 45-minute video guide.


CG Fast Track Intro Animation
Lazy Viewport
Edit Mode
Inset, Merge, Loop Cut
Blade Block In
Project Directory and Backup Files
Blade Groove
Subdivision Modifer
Cage Mesh
Blade Extension
Blade Taper
Primitive Block Ins
Reference Image
Guard - Extrusions
Guard - Extrusion Tweaks
Guard - Proportional Editing
Guard - Mirror Modifer
Guard - Bridge Edge Loops
Guard - Edge Creases
Handle - Shape
Handle - Edge Crease and Subdivision
Handle - Toruses
Pommel - Base
Pommel - Tip
Pommel - Extrusion
Pommel - Mirror and Subdivision
Pommel Edge Creases
Shading Tab
Demystifying Shader Networks
Scratches and Image Projections
Color Ramp and Roughness
Guard and Box Projections
Handle Material
Mix RGB and Bloom
Pommel Emission
Join CG Fast Track

Taught by

CG Fast Track

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