Blazor Hybrid - Build Hybrid Mobile, Desktop, and Web Apps with .NET MAUI

Offered By: NDC Conferences via YouTube


Blazor Courses Mobile Development Courses Web Development Courses C# Courses Windows Courses .NET MAUI Courses Cross-Platform Development Courses

Course Description


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Explore the world of Blazor Hybrid in this 58-minute conference talk from NDC Oslo. Discover how to build cross-platform native apps using web UI by hosting Blazor components in .NET MAUI applications. Learn about the hybrid approach that combines the best of native and web development, allowing components to access native functionality through the .NET platform while rendering standard web UI. Gain insights into creating applications that can run on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android platforms. Understand the benefits of using embedded web view controls and local interop channels for rendering web UI in native .NET processes. Delve into the possibilities of leveraging Blazor's client-side web UI capabilities while accessing full native device features.


Blazor Hybrid - Build Hybrid Mobile, Desktop, and Web apps with .NET MAUI - Gerald Versluis

Taught by

NDC Conferences

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