Black Holes - Powerhouse of the Universe
Offered By: University of Houston-Clear Lake via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the fascinating world of black holes in this comprehensive lecture by John Hawley, Professor and Chair of Astronomy at the University of Virginia. Delve into the history of gravitational theory, from Isaac Newton to Albert Einstein, and understand the concept of escape velocity. Discover how black holes form, their various types, and their presence in the Milky Way. Learn about cutting-edge detection methods, including radio and X-ray observations, binary systems, and adaptive optics used in telescopes like Keck. Gain insights into the accretion process, magnetic fields, and their role in making black holes the powerhouses of the universe.
The Universe
The Theory of Gravity
Isaac Newton
Escape Velocity
Albert Einstein
Einsteins Equations
Gravitational Lens
Black Holes
Black Holes Exist
Range of Black Holes
The Milky Way
Binary systems
Xray satellites
Monster of the Milky Way
Keck Telescope
Adaptive Optics
magnetic fields
Taught by
College of Science and Engineering
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