Black Holes and the Reversibility of Time by Suvrat Raju

Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube


Black Holes Courses Special Relativity Courses General Relativity Courses Theoretical Physics Courses Hawking Radiation Courses Black Hole Thermodynamics Courses

Course Description


Explore the fascinating world of black holes and their challenge to the principle of time reversibility in this hour-long lecture. Delve into the black hole information paradox, which arises when seemingly irretrievable information is lost in a black hole. Journey through key concepts in physics, from Newtonian gravity to General Relativity, and examine the Schwarzschild solution and real-world examples like Sagittarius A*. Investigate black hole thermodynamics, Hawking radiation, and the process of black hole evaporation. Analyze potential solutions to the paradox, including delicate correlations and the concept of complementarity. Gain insights into recent developments that suggest a resolution to this long-standing puzzle in theoretical physics.


Date & Time 12 April 2017, 18:00 to
Black Holes and the Reversibility of Time
Newtonian gravity
Scope of Newtonian gravity
Nonlocality in Newtonian gravity
Special Relativity
The Fabric of Spacetime
General Relativity
Locality in general relativity
The Schwarzschild solution
Sagittarius A*
GRS 1915
Gravity waves from black holes
Theorists and black holes!
Datt-Oppenheimer-Snyder Collapse
Penrose Diagrams
Modifying a black hole
Modifying a black hole: spacetime diagram
Dynamics of idealized black holes
Black Holes and Thermodynamics
Temperature of Black Holes
Pair creation
Hawking radiation
Spectrum of Hawking radiation
Black Hole Evaporation
Lifetime-some numbers
The life of a dead star
The Information Paradox
Reversibility of time evolution
Possible solution: delicate correlations
Size of correlations
Formation of correlations?
Purity of radiation
Nonlocal information transmission
Toy model of complementarity
Complementarity in flat space?
Threads of spacetime

Taught by

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

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