Black Holes and Holographic Worlds

Offered By: World Science Festival via YouTube


World Science Festival Courses Astrophysics Courses Black Holes Courses Theoretical Physics Courses Hawking Radiation Courses

Course Description


Embark on a captivating 88-minute journey into the enigmatic world of black holes and holographic reality in this World Science Festival panel discussion. Join moderator Alan Alda and renowned scientists Kip Thorne, Robbert Dijkgraaf, Andrew Hamilton, and Raphael Bousso as they unravel the mysteries of these gravitational giants. Explore Einstein's laws of time warps, the origins of black holes in the early universe, and the intriguing concept of Hawking radiation. Delve into the formation of black holes at subatomic levels, visualize their appearance, and imagine the experience of entering one. Investigate the fascinating relationship between black holes and information theory, including the holographic principle and information storage capacity. This thought-provoking discussion challenges our understanding of reality and offers a glimpse into cutting-edge scientific theories that are reshaping our view of the universe.


Brian Greene's Introduction with Stephen Hawking.
Robbert Dijkgraaf talks about black holes..
Participant Introductions with Alan Alda
Einsteins law of time warps.
Where black holes around when the universe was forming?
Hawking radiation is it coming from the black hole or off the black hole.
How are black holes formed at subatomic levels?
What does a black hole look like?
The panel travels into the black hole.
What you would see if you entered a black hole.
Space falls faster than light.
What is a hologram.
Black holes and information loss.
How much information can a black hole store?

Taught by

World Science Festival

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