Bjerknes Lecture: Cloud System Resolving Models and Parameterization - AGU Fall Meeting 2001

Offered By: AGU via YouTube


Atmospheric Science Courses Moore's Law Courses Computational Modeling Courses Turbulence Courses

Course Description


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Explore a Bjerknes Lecture from the AGU Fall Meeting 2001, delivered by Davis A. Randall. Delve into the complexities of cloud parameterization, cloud system resolving models, and the revolutionary approach of superparameterization. Examine the influence of Jacob York, environmental factors affecting stratiform clouds, and the role of turbulence and microphysical processes in cloud formation. Investigate the challenges of radiant transfer and the overwhelming complexity of cloud modeling. Learn about the background and applications of cloud system resolving models, including two-way flow and cloud amount predictions. Discover how Moore's Law impacts computational capabilities and the potential of alternative superparameterization techniques. Address technical issues, runtime considerations, and parallelization in cloud modeling. Gain insights into the grand challenge problem of cloud system resolving and its modular approach to revolutionizing atmospheric science.


Jacob York
The Problem
Stratiform Clouds
Condensed Water
Major Scale
Microphysical Processes
Radiant Transfer
Overwhelming Complexity
Can we do it
Cloud parameterization
Cloud system resolving models
Background on cloud system resolving models
How do we use these models
Twoway flow
Cloud amount
Cloud resolving model
Moores Law
Alternative SuperParameterization
Eastwood propagating
What are we claiming
Changing the formulation
Technical Issues
Conventional parameterization
Summary and conclusions
Cloud System Resolving
Revolutionary Approach
Grand Challenge Problem

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