
Offered By: CEC via YouTube


Biotechnology Courses Phylogenetic Analyses Courses Sequence Alignment Courses Polymerase Chain Reaction Courses

Course Description


Explore a comprehensive course on biotechnology covering advanced tools and techniques, recombinant DNA technology, microbiology, and various aspects of molecular biology. Delve into DNA fingerprinting, PCR, blotting techniques, DNA libraries, sequence alignment, and phylogenetic analysis. Learn about protein structure, folding, and degradation, as well as topics in ecology, cell biology, and genetics. Gain insights into food safety, organic farming, and environmental issues. Discover the applications of biotechnology in agriculture, medicine, and industry through lectures on topics such as bioluminescence, vaccine policy, and transgenic animals.


Advance Tools & Techniques : DNA Fingerprinting - II.
Advance Tools & Techniques : DNA Fingerprinting - I.
Advance Tools & Techniques : Quantitative PCR & Sanger Sequencing - II.
Advance Tools & Techniques : Quantitative PCR & Sanger Sequencing - I.
Advance Tools & Techniques – Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) - II.
Advance Tools & Techniques – Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) - I.
Advance Tools & Techniques (Blotting) - IV.
Advance Tools & Techniques (Blotting) - III.
Advance Tools & Techniques (Blotting) - II.
Advance Tools & Techniques (Blotting) - I.
Recombinant DNA Technology : Construction & Screening of DNA Libraries - II.
Recombinant DNA Technology : Construction & Screening of DNA Libraries - I.
Introduction to The Microbial World - II.
Introduction to The Microbial World - I.
Women in Science : Achievements and Challenges - 2.
Women in Science : Achievements and Challenges - 1.
Phylogenetic Analysis Concepts and Tools - II.
Phylogenetic Analysis Concepts and Tools - I.
Multiple Sequence Alignment - II.
Multiple Sequence Alignment - I.
Sequence Alignment : Concepts and Algorithms - Part II.
Sequence Alignment : Concepts and Algorithms - Part I.
Metagenomic Data Analysis - II.
Metagenomic Data Analysis - I.
Recombinant DNA Technology : Transformation - II.
Kin selection.
Freshwater Ecosystems : Wetlands.
Freshwater Ecosystems : Rivers.
Eukaryotic Cell Structure and Function.
The Cell : Building Block of Life.
Extraction of Proteins.
Fatty Acid Metabolism.
The Biological Clock and Circadian Rhythms.
Basics of Biotechnology.
Technology-Society Interface.
Protein Sequencing.
Developmental Genetics.
Protein Degradation by Lysosome.
Ubiquitin - Proteasome Pathway.
Microbiological Safety of Food.
Protein Misfolding and Diseases.
Protein Folding and Denaturation.
Introduction to Proteins.
Protein : Tertiary Structure and Folding.
Protein Secondary Structure.
Role of ICT in Dissemination of Agricultural Information among Farmers.
Introduction to Proteins.
Bioluminescence - Biochemical Aspects.
Food Safety.
Organic Farming for Sustainable Agriculture.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.
Molecular Biology - DNA to RNA Transcription : I.
Biophysics : Introduction and Scope.
DNA Topology, Melting DNA and Organelle DNA - II.
DNA Topology, Melting DNA and Organelle DNA.
Electronic Waste : Challenges and its Management Strategies.
Food Microbiology -IV.
Food Microbiology.
Oyster Mushroom Cultivation.
Awareness on Parthenium Hysterophorus.
Nutrient Management.
Water Harvesting.
Animal Diversity-Non Chordata.
Animal Diversity-Non Chordata.
Transgenics Animals.
Techniques in Biotechnology.
Techiniques in Biotechnology.
Biotechnology and its Scope.
Vaccine Policy in India.
Nutrient Management.

Taught by


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