Understanding our Dynamic, Magnetically Active Star
Offered By: Stanford Physics via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the complexities of solar activity and magnetic fields in this illuminating lecture from Stanford Physics. Delve into the fundamental importance of understanding how magnetic flux and energy emerge from the Sun's turbulent interior into the solar corona. Discover the integral role of the Sun's dynamic magnetic field in observed solar phenomena, including solar flares and coronal mass ejections. Examine long-term patterns in solar activity and their intricate variations across diverse spatial and temporal scales. Learn about current efforts to incorporate data from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory into multi-scale models of solar activity. Gain insights into recent projects addressing unsolved problems in solar and heliospheric physics, enhancing our ability to predict and mitigate potentially damaging solar storms on Earth.
Bill Abbett - “Understanding our Dynamic, Magnetically Active Star”
Taught by
Stanford Physics
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