USB Write Blocking with USBProxy - Techniques and Implementation

Offered By: YouTube


USB Security Courses

Course Description


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Explore USB write blocking techniques using USBProxy in this 41-minute conference talk from BSidesLV 2014. Delve into the background of USB security, learn about FaceDancer drawbacks, and discover alternatives like RaspDancer and BeagleDancer. Understand the USBProxy structure, USB mass storage concepts, and methods for blocking writes. Watch a live demo of caching blocks and in-band signalling. Gain insights into ongoing developments, including FaceDancer compatibility, and participate in a Q&A session to enhance your knowledge of USB security and write blocking strategies.


Dominic Spill
Adam Stasiak
FaceDancer Drawbacks
RaspDancer / BeagleDancer
BeagleDancer is pointless
BeagleBone Black
USBProxy Structure
USB Mass Storage
Blocking Writes
Caching Blocks
In-band Signalling
Things we're working on
FaceDancer Compatibility

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