Hell-0 World - Hacking IoT Weather Stations

Offered By: BSidesLV via YouTube


IoT security Courses Reverse Engineering Courses Vulnerability Analysis Courses Firmware Extraction Courses

Course Description


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Dive into a captivating 20-minute conference talk at BSidesLV that uncovers the world of IoT vulnerabilities through the lens of two Midwestern hackers. Explore Tuya-based devices' encrypted communication protocols, focusing on home weather stations and their potential security flaws. Learn how firmware extraction and reverse engineering tools can be used to manipulate device operations, effectively creating a portal to 'another climate'. Experience live demonstrations and hacks that showcase the ability to turn a normal 0°C day into a hellish 171°C wasteland. Presented by Dave Bailey, this Breaking Ground session offers a unique blend of technical insight and storytelling, illustrating how IoT hacking can turn one's life upside-down and potentially impact other Tuya devices.


Breaking Ground, Wed, Aug 7, 16:00 - Wed, Aug 7, CDT

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