Best Practice - Procedural Sedation - The Advanced EM Boot Camp
Offered By: The Center for Medical Education via YouTube
Course Description
Explore advanced procedural sedation techniques in this 28-minute video lecture by Dr. Ken Milne. Delve into crucial topics such as airway management algorithms, awake intubation, patient selection, risk stratification, and monitoring expectations. Learn about specific scenarios like posterior hip dislocation and the "dead hip vs. dead patient" dilemma. Examine various sedation agents including propofol, ketamine, and nitrous oxide, discussing their pros and cons. Gain insights on discharge procedures and key takeaway points to enhance your emergency medicine practice. This lecture is part of the Advanced EM Boot Camp course, offering in-depth knowledge on critical care, airway interventions, trauma management, pediatrics, and cardiac care for master practitioners.
awake intubation
cancel the case
patient review
risk stratification
select your patients carefully
patient selection
posterior hip dislocation
dead hip vs dead patient
monitoring expectations
attention blindness
pros and cons
ketamine and propofol
nitrous oxide
nitrous oxide canisters
Takehome points
Taught by
The Center for Medical Education
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