Magnetic Symmetries Protecting the Chern-Simons Axion Coupling θ Term
Offered By: IMSA via YouTube
Course Description
Explore a comprehensive lecture on magnetic symmetries and their role in protecting the Chern-Simons axion coupling θ term. Delve into Higinio Serrano's groundbreaking PhD thesis findings, which reveal which rotations combined with time reversal symmetry protect the θ term and which do not. Examine the existing literature's arguments on the non-triviality of the θ term and its protection by various symmetries, including time reversal, inversion, and their combinations with rotations or translations. Gain insights from collaborative research involving Miguel Xicotencatl, Higinio Serrano, and Rafael Gonzalez, presented by Bernardo Uribe from Universidad del Norte, Colombia, in this hour-long talk at the University of Miami.
Bernardo Uribe, Uni del Norte: Magnetic symmetries protecting the Chern-Simons axion coupling θ term
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