Back to the CompletableFuture - Concurrency in Action
Offered By: Devoxx via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the world of asynchronous programming in Java with this comprehensive conference talk from Devoxx. Dive deep into CompletableFuture, a powerful feature introduced in Java 8 and further improved in Java 9. Learn how to leverage this tool for efficient concurrent programming, drawing parallels with JavaScript's asynchronous tasks. Discover the intricacies of Future and CompletableFuture through clear examples and practical applications. Cover topics such as temporal coupling, multithreading forms, atomic operations, executor factories, work stealing pools, task composition, and exception handling. Gain insights into the enhancements made to concurrency in Java 9 as part of JEP 266, and master the art of writing safe and programmer-friendly asynchronous code.
Concurrency & Sharks
Temporal Coupling
Multithreading Forms
Form: Parallelism
Atomic Operations
Callback Hell in JavaScript
Executor Factories
Cached Thread Pool
Work Stealing Pool
Tasks Composition
Multiple Futures Control
Exception Handling
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