Awesome Java Applications with GraalVM and Java Microservices Frameworks

Offered By: Devoxx via YouTube


Devoxx Courses Java Courses Microservices Courses Micronaut Courses Quarkus Courses Modular Programming Courses GraalVM Courses Helidon Courses

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Explore the world of Java microservices frameworks and their integration with GraalVM Native Image in this 39-minute conference talk from Devoxx. Discover how popular frameworks like Spring Boot, Micronaut, Quarkus, and Helidon can be leveraged to build modular and scalable applications with enhanced performance. Learn about the benefits of using GraalVM Native Image, including fast startup times and low resource consumption, while maintaining Java's traditional high performance. Examine real-world application examples, gain insights into useful tools, and understand how to configure Java libraries for optimal use with Native Image. Enhance your Java development skills and stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in microservices architecture and performance optimization.


Awesome Java applications with GraalVM and Java microservices frameworks by Аlina Yurenko

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