AutoHotkey - Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts for Automation

Offered By: John Savill's Technical Training via YouTube


Windows Courses Productivity Courses Macros Courses

Course Description


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Explore the powerful capabilities of AutoHotkey in this 11-minute video tutorial. Learn how to trigger various actions using custom keyboard combinations, from launching websites to executing multi-line macros. Discover techniques for auto-launching on login, integrating with application-specific actions, and replacing text. Gain insights into using keyboard characters in hotkeys, creating multi-line macros, and utilizing hotkeys from other devices. Master this versatile tool to enhance productivity and streamline your workflow across different applications and tasks.


- Introduction
- Keyboard characters used in hotkeys
- How to use
- Auto launching on login
- Examples to launch sites with Ctrl and Alt
- Integrating with an applications specific actions
- Replacing text
- Multi-line macros and Return
- Close and using hotkeys from other devices

Taught by

John Savill's Technical Training

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