Asynchronous Programming in Java 8 - How to Use CompletableFuture
Offered By: Devoxx via YouTube
Course Description
Explore asynchronous programming in Java 8 with a focus on CompletableFuture in this 50-minute conference talk from Devoxx. Dive into the new API introduced in Java 8 for handling asynchronous patterns, built on the CompletionStage interface and CompletableFuture class. Learn how these elements fill the gap in old Future patterns and create complex asynchronous processing pipelines. Discover techniques for exception handling and testing asynchronous code, with examples ranging from remote service access to testing asynchronous REST services. Gain insights into chaining asynchronous operations, working with special threads in GUI environments, and new concepts in CDI such as asynchronous events.
Asynchronous programming in Java 8: how to use CompletableFuture by José Paumard
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