AQA Chemistry Paper 2 - Revision Playlist for Combined and Separate Science GCSE

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Course Description


Explore a comprehensive revision playlist covering AQA Chemistry Paper 2 for GCSE Combined and Separate Science. Dive into 6 hours of content, including quick-fire questions, knowledge checklists, key words, equations, and unit sheets. Learn about rates of chemical change, organic chemistry, chemical analysis, the atmosphere, and using resources. Master essential topics such as formula of common ions, measuring reaction rates, hydrocarbons, fractional distillation, and the Haber process. Practice identifying ions through flame tests and other practical experiments. Understand important concepts like climate change, acid rain, and potable water treatment. Prepare thoroughly for your GCSE science exam with this in-depth video series designed to cover the entire AQA Chemistry Paper 2 syllabus.


The Whole of AQA Chemistry Paper 2 in only 48 minutes! 20th June 2022 | GCSE science exam Revision.
Formula of common ions you MUST LEARN!! Flashcards for new 9-1 GCSE Chemistry or combined science.
AQA Chemistry Paper 2 - 136 Quick Fire Questions! GCSE Revision for Combined and Separate Science.
The Whole of AQA-THE RATE AND EXTENT OF CHEMICAL CHANGE. GCSE Chemistry Combined Science Revision C2.
RATES OF CHANGE. AQA C2-Topic 6. Quick Fire Questions 9-1 GCSE 9-1 Chemistry or Combined Science.
AQA Required Practical - Measuring the rate of reaction by collecting gas.
AQA Required Practical - Measuring the rate of a reaction by loss of mass.
AQA Required Practical - Measuring the rate of reaction by disappearing cross (Sodium thiosulfate).
Lump or Powder - Which has the largest surface area?.
Hydrated to Anhydrous Copper Sulfate, a Reversible Reaction..
The Whole of AQA - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. GCSE Chemistry or Combined Science Revision Topic 7 for C2.
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. AQA C2-Topic 7. Quick Fire Questions 9-1 GCSE Chemistry Combined Science Revision.
What is a Hydrocarbon?.
What is an Organic Compound?.
Fractional Distillation..
Viscous and Viscosity..
Hydrocarbons, Complete and Incomplete Combustion..
Using Bromine Water to Test for an Alkene (unsaturated hydrocarbons).
The difference between and alkane and an alkene - Stupid way to remember.
Alcohols - Essential Organic Chemistry..
Carboxylic Acids - Essential Organic Chemistry..
Acid + metal carbonate reactions - worked examples.
The Whole of AQA - CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. GCSE Chemistry or Combined Science Revision Topic 8 for C2.
CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. AQA C2-Topic 8 Quick Fire Questions. 9-1 GCSE Chemistry Combined Science Revision.
Limewater Test for Carbon Dioxide..
AQA Required Practical - Identifying ions. Flame tests for positive ions..
Anion and Cation Ion Identification Summary (Negative and Positive Ions) and Practice.
AQA Required Practical - identifying ions. Sodium hydroxide test for Positive Ions..
AQA Required Practical - identifying ions. Test for Carbonate Ions..
AQA Required Practical - identifying ions. Test for Halide Ions..
AQA Required Practical - Identifying ions. Test for Sulfate Ions..
The Whole of AQA - THE ATMOSPHERE. GCSE Chemistry or Combined Science Revision Topic 9 for C2.
CHEMISTRY OF THE ATMOSPHERE. AQA C2-Topic 9 Quick Fire Questions 9 1 GCSE 9-1 Chemistry or Science.
Climate Change, Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect. GCSE Science grade 7, 8 and 9 SimonOxfPhys.
The greenhouse effect.
Burning Fossil Fuels.
Acid Rain.
What is global dimming?.
The Whole of AQA - USING RESOURCES. GCSE Chemistry or Combined Science Revision Topic 10 for C2.
USING RESOURCES. AQA C2-Topic 10 Quick Fire Questions 9-1 GCSE Chemistry or Combined Science Revisio.
Potable Water (I'm going to drink baby poo to show how chemistry can be used to save the world).
Water Quality..
Rusting - Iron + water + oxygen = iron oxide.
Making Slime.
Haber Process..
Optimum Conditions for Ammonia Production. Equilibrium and Le Chatelier's Principle..

Taught by

Science and Maths by Primrose Kitten

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