API Authentication's Poorly Implemented - Security Issues in Web APIs

Offered By: OWASP Foundation via YouTube


API Security Courses Network Security Courses Web Security Courses Application Security Courses Authorization Courses Embedded Device Security Courses

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Explore real-world examples of web-related API security problems in this conference talk from OWASP AppSec California 2015. Delve into authentication and authorization issues affecting various targets, from major online payment platforms to embedded device backend infrastructures. Learn about implementation flaws, security bugs, and the challenges of integrating legacy APIs with modern RESTful interfaces. Gain insights from Zach Lanier, a Senior Research Scientist with Accuvant Labs, as he shares his expertise in network, mobile, and application security.


API = Authentication’s Poorly Implemented - Zach Lanier - OWASP AppSec California 2015

Taught by

OWASP Foundation

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