Apache Ratis - A High Performance Raft Library

Offered By: The ASF via YouTube


Distributed Systems Courses Consensus Algorithms Courses High Availability Courses Data Replication Courses Alluxio Courses Apache Ozone Courses

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Explore a 21-minute conference talk on Apache Ratis, an open-source Java library implementing the Raft Consensus Protocol. Dive into the key features of Ratis, including leader election, log replication, membership change, and log compaction. Learn how this high-performance implementation supports asynchronous event-driven applications and offers customization options such as pluggable state machines, RPC, Raft log, and metrics. Discover how Apache Ozone, Apache IoTDB, and Alluxio leverage Ratis for high availability and data replication. Gain insights into Raft's advantages over Paxos for implementing consistently replicated logs. Understand Ratis' design principles for achieving low latency and high throughput in transactions. Get an overview of the project's current development status and future directions from Dr. Tsz-Wo Nicholas Sze, Principal Software Engineer at Cloudera and PMC Chair of Apache Ratis.


Apache Ratis - A High Performance Raft Library

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