Apache Flink Stream Batch Adaptive Shuffle - Latest Progress and Future Plans
Offered By: The ASF via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the latest advancements in Apache Flink's Shuffle architecture in this 30-minute conference talk from Flink Forward Asia 2022. Presented by Song Xintong, Apache Flink PMC Member and Alibaba Cloud senior technical expert, and Tan Yuxin, senior development engineer at Alibaba Cloud, delve into the Flink Shuffle 3.0 architecture. Learn about its core features of cloud-native compatibility, stream-batch fusion, and adaptive capabilities. Discover how this new architecture enhances resource orchestration and isolation in cloud environments, combines the strengths of traditional streaming and batch Shuffle technologies, and offers adaptive adjustments based on runtime resources and load. Gain insights into the progress made in Flink version 1.18 and future plans for this innovative Shuffle architecture.
Apache Flink Stream Batch Adaptive Shuffle
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