On Distortion Elements, Orderability and Regularity in Groups

Offered By: Centre de recherches mathématiques - CRM via YouTube


Group Theory Courses Finitely Generated Groups Courses

Course Description


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Explore the concept of distortion elements in group theory through this 50-minute lecture by Andrés Navas from the University of Santiago. Delve into the intriguing question of whether a finitely-generated orderable group can exist where all elements are distorted. Examine the definition of distortion elements as those whose powers grow sublinearly in word-length within a finitely generated subgroup. Discover concrete results in smooth settings as Navas investigates the relationship between distortion elements, orderability, and regularity in groups. This talk, part of the Workshop on Orderable Groups held at the Centre de recherches mathématiques, offers valuable insights for mathematicians and researchers interested in group theory and its applications.


Andrés Navas: On distorsion elements, orderability and regularity

Taught by

Centre de recherches mathématiques - CRM

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