Teaching Domain Specific Languages in Scala
Offered By: Scala Days Conferences via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the intricacies of teaching Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) in Scala in this 41-minute conference talk from Scala Days 2023 Seattle. Discover why Scala is an ideal language for both internal and external DSL development, and learn how to structure a course on DSLs. Gain insights into the language features, platforms, and libraries that make Scala exceptional for DSL engineering. Examine potential topics and areas to cover, including functional domain modeling, parser combinators, extension methods, symbolic-named methods, and metaprogramming. Learn how to design engaging assignments inspired by real-world DSLs and see examples of outstanding student projects. Delve into the implementation of programming language features in Visual Studio Code using Scala.js. Address controversial aspects of DSL development in Scala and debunk common misconceptions. Benefit from the expertise of Andrea Mocci, a Junior Group Leader at CodeLounge and passionate functional programming advocate, as he shares his experience teaching this master-level course.
Andrea Mocci - Teaching Domain Specific Languages in Scala | Scala Days 2023 Seattle
Taught by
Scala Days Conferences
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