An Overview of 1D Modeling of Stellar Interiors - Jen Van Saders
Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube
Course Description
Explore an in-depth overview of one-dimensional modeling of stellar interiors in this conference talk from the Transport in Stellar Interiors (TRANSTAR-C21) Conference. Delve into the complexities of stellar physics, focusing on transport processes within stars, including heat, chemical elements, and angular momentum. Examine how recent observational data from TESS and spectroscopic studies, advancements in 1D models, and sophisticated 3D simulations have challenged and refined our understanding of stellar interiors. Learn about various aspects of stellar modeling, including boundary conditions, atmosphere tables, equation of state, gravitational diffusion, nuclear reaction rates, and solar calibration. Gain insights into the latest research on low-mass stars, overshooting, and the impact of Gaia observations on our understanding of stellar evolution. Discover how combining various techniques, from observations to theoretical calculations, can improve our comprehension of stellar physics and address the largest uncertainties in the field.
Lower Main Sequence
Conference Agenda
Boundary Conditions
Atmosphere Tables
Equation of State
Gravitational Diffusion
Low Mass Stars
Nuclear Reaction Rates
Solar Oxygen
Solar Calibration
Helium Calibration
My Ideas
Speakers prerogative
Gaia CMD
Parameter Variations
Clarifying Question
Taught by
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
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