An Introduction to Apache TVM

Offered By: EuroPython Conference via YouTube


EuroPython Courses Deep Learning Courses Model Tuning Courses

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Explore the fundamentals of Apache TVM in this 45-minute conference talk from EuroPython 2022. Gain insights into TVM's Python API, from installation to practical usage, through a series of quick projects. Learn how to compile and tune deep learning models for various hardware targets, including CPUs and microcontrollers. Discover TVM's flexibility in supporting multiple input formats like TensorFlow, TFLite, Keras, PyTorch, and ONNX. Follow along as the speaker demonstrates compiling and running models on embedded targets, providing a comprehensive introduction to this versatile compilation stack for deep learning models.


An Introduction to Apache TVM - presented by Leandro Nunes

Taught by

EuroPython Conference

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