An Application of Symplectic Topology to Algebraic Geometry
Offered By: IMSA via YouTube
Course Description
Explore a 42-minute lecture on the application of symplectic topology to algebraic geometry, delivered by Laurent Côté from Harvard University at the University of Miami. Delve into Rouquier's concept of dimension for triangulated categories and Orlov's conjecture regarding the bounded derived category of coherent sheaves. Discover how the speaker and collaborator Shaoyun Bai made progress on this conjecture using symplectic geometry methods and homological mirror symmetry. Gain insights into Weinstein manifolds, the Koshi property, and additive invariance as the lecture covers motivation, heuristic summaries, and quantitative symmetry. Engage with the potential for future research in this fascinating intersection of mathematical disciplines.
Weinstein manifolds
Heuristic summary
Koshi property
Additive Variance
Additive Invariant
Quantitative Symmetry
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