Amazing Chess Games

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Chess Courses AlphaZero Courses

Course Description


Explore a comprehensive collection of legendary chess games spanning over two centuries, featuring breathtaking combinations, tactics, and immortal moves. Analyze famous matches played by world champions, grandmasters, and prodigies, including Morphy, Capablanca, Fischer, Kasparov, and Carlsen. Study classic openings, defenses, and endgames through annotated games showcasing the evolution of chess strategy. Dive into thrilling king hunts, sacrificial attacks, and positional masterpieces that shaped chess history. Examine notable tournament games, world championship matches, and brilliant blindfold exhibitions. Learn from instructive examples of chess tactics like zwischenzugs, windmills, and smothered mates. Discover hidden gems and lesser-known brilliancies alongside the most famous games ever played. Perfect for players of all levels looking to improve their chess understanding and appreciation for the game's rich competitive legacy.


The Killer Move Of The Year | Dubov Immortal.
How To Get The Respect Of The Chess World | Pillsbury vs ELasker: Cambridge Springs 1904.
The Elephant Gambit | Cochrane Unleashed | John Cochrane vs Howard Staunton: London 1842.
The Best Of Bird | Henry Edward Bird vs Samuel S Boden: Westminster 1869.
Sacrificing Horses And Chariots For A Deadly Attack | Prince Dadian vs Count Purre: Odessa 1883.
The Royal Immortal Chess Game | Prince Andrey Dadian vs M Bitcham: Zugdidi 1892.
The Royal Immortal Chess Game | Prince Andrey Dadian vs M Bitcham: Zugdidi 1892.
The Urusov Gambit Roks | Bruce F Barnard vs Michael Steadman: New Zealand 1997.
The Urusov Gambit Roks | Bruce F Barnard vs Michael Steadman: New Zealand 1997.
An Epic King Hunt | Euwe Unleashed | Savielly Tartakower vs Max Euwe: Venice ITA 1948.
An Epic King Hunt | Euwe Unleashed | Savielly Tartakower vs Max Euwe: Venice ITA 1948.
The Silent Assassin | Vasily Smyslov vs Tibor Florian: Moscow 1949.
The Silent Assassin | Vasily Smyslov vs Tibor Florian: Moscow 1949.
Think Like a Grandmaster | Yuri Averbakh vs Alexander Kotov: Zurich Candidates 1953.
Think Like a Grandmaster | Yuri Averbakh vs Alexander Kotov: Zurich Candidates 1953.
Think Like a Grandmaster | Yuri Averbakh vs Alexander Kotov: Zurich Candidates 1953.
The King Hunt That Inspired Tal | Asgeirsson vs Raud: Munich Olympiad 1936.
The King Hunt That Inspired Tal | Asgeirsson vs Raud: Munich Olympiad 1936.
The War On The Board: Chess During World War 2 | Grigory I Ravinsky vs Vasily Panov: Moscow 1943.
Epic Budapest Defense | Mark Hebden vs Julian M Hodgson: Guernsey 1985.
Chess Brilliancy From The Romantic Era | Michelet vs Lionel Kieseritzky: Paris 1845.
A Chess Shocker | Amos Burn vs John Owen: Liverpool ENG 1874.
China Emerges As The Greatest Chess Nation On The Planet After Defeating US In The Super Finals.
Did Tal visit Qatar in 2016 | The greatest game of the World Rapid Championship 2016.
The immortal chess variant | The game that impressed Bobby Fischer | Smashing the rock with one hand.
The greatest blunder of all time | Resigning in a winning position | Popiel vs Marco 1902.
Seirawan's Immortal Game | Take my rooks | Seirawan vs Zarnicki: 1993.
Amazing chess combinations| Otis vs Tenner 1923| The art of the attack.
Amazing chess combinations| Najdorf vs NN 1942| The art of the attack.
Spassky's Queen Entered The Dragon| Download Free Puzzles.
A deadly gift| Foltys vs Mohyla 1940| The King Hunt.
Zukertort vs Hermann 1877 | Amazing chess combinations | The King Hunt.
Razor sharp game| Tartakower was in Tal's position| Amazing tactics.
The Spanish Immortal.
Spanish Champion vs Mikhail: Tal Las Palmas 1977.
Totally Insane Chess Game Got Even Crazier.
A Morphy Mate By Aron Nimzowitsch.
Paradoxes in chess and life.
An Awesome Chess Game That Everybody Must See.
Fried Liver, Traxler And The King Hunt.
The Most Amazing Game From World Op New York 1983.
Tony Miles Immortal.
Tactics flow from a superior position.
Tal Revisited Europe In 1995.
Why Is This The Greatest Ever Blitz Game Played In Chicago?.
Joshua Friedel vs Macon Shibut: World op 32nd Philadelphia 2004.
Surprising Fritz With The Creepy Crawly Attack.
Rudolf Spielmann vs Baldur Hoenlinger: Vienna 1929.
Mikael Sixtensson vs Guy West: Biel 1986.
Ralf Runau vs Schmidt: W Germany 1972.
Andreas Heimann vs Harutyun Barseghyan: French Team Championship 2018.
"The Immortal Usurper Game".
Konstantin Chernyshov elder vs Andrzej Lesiak: URS 1969.
Wordsworth Donisthorpe vs Mundell: London 1892.
Mikhail Tal vs Hans Joachim Hecht: Varna ol Men fin A 1962.
Koneru Humpy vs Clive L Waters: BCF ch 1999.
Heintze Marion vs Boettcher Ilse: DDR-ch (Women) Erfurt 1973.
Paul Morphy vs Paul Journoud: Paris it 1858.
Henry Edward Bird vs Paul Morphy: London 1858.
Richard Reti vs Max Euwe: Match 1920, Round 4.
The King Hunt Survivor.
Marshall's Immortal Pawn Storm.
The Immortal Pawn Storm Game.
Annihilation of the defence using the king hunt technique.
An impossible and brilliant game.
Boston Immortal Chess Game.
Tactical Brilliancy By Raymond Keene.
Mamedyarov vs Galstian: EU-ch U18 2002.
Supernatural Tal Escaped The Death.
Phenomenal Attacking Game By Mikhail Tal.
An Epic Monster Rook Game.
Chess Thriller From New York 1961.
Extremely Violent Modern Defense Caused The Fire On Board.
The Greatest Silent Killer Move Of All Time.
The most complicated game ever played by Tal.
AlphaZero obliterated Stockfish - Game 3.
The end is near-Humanity has entered the endgame.
The Time When Giants Walked The Earth.
The Greatest Knight Maneuver Of All Time.
The Most Amazing Killer Move From European Championship 2006.
Extremely Unusual Killer Move.
Dirk Daniel van Geet vs Guyt: Paramaribo 1967.
Gedeon Barcza vs Mikhail Tal: Tallinn 1971.
Amazing Finger Slip Variation Kunin Double Gambit.
Paul Morphy vs A Bottin: Paris 1858.
Anker Aasum vs Lothar Frenzel: corr 1989.
Mikhail Tal vs Robert Forbis: Chicago 1988.
Walter Arpad Foldeak vs F Nagy: Budapest 1942.
William Wallace Young vs Frank James Marshall: USA 1913.
Mackenzie vs Frank Hollins: London 1893.
Jan van der Veen vs A Mol: Netherlands 1986.
William N Potter vs Matthews: London 1868.
Otto Feuer vs Alberic O'Kelly de Galway: Belgian Championship 1934.
Ildiko Madl vs Daniel Summermatter: Geneva 1988.
Heinrich Wagner vs Wilhelm Schoenmann: Correspondence 1919.
Max Euwe vs Siegfried Bernard van Mindeno: Amsterdam 1927.
Roberto Cifuentes Parada vs Vadim Zvjaginsev: Netherlands 1995.
Kira Zvorykina vs Gladkov: USSR 1958.
Kasparov vs Schulze: Germany 2011.
Chess Miracles.
John William Schulten vs Bernhard Horwitz: London 1846.
Henry E Bird vs Emanuel Lasker: Newcastle ENG 1892.
The Halloween Knight.
Baadur Jobava vs Maksat Atabayev: World Rapid Championship 2016.
Joachim Waffenschmidt vs. Helmut Eidinger - Germany 1998.
David Bronstein vs Vladas Jonovich Mikenas - URS 1941.
Jakob Rosanes vs Adolf Anderssen - Breslau 1863.
Mark Taimanov vs Lev Polugaevsky - USSR 1960.
The King Hunt: Nona Gaprindashvili vs Alexander Blagidze - USSR 1963.
Mikhail Tal vs Alexander K Tolush - USSR 1956.
Stefan Paschmann vs Kurschat - NS 1986.
Carlos Torre Repetto vs Fred Dewhurst Yates Baden-Baden 1925.
Carlos Torre Repetto vs Emanuel Lasker - Moscow 1925.
Jeroen van der Linden vs Leif Svensson It - Belgium 1993.
Carlos Torre Repetto vs Samuel Reshevsky - USA 1924.
Carlos Torre Repetto vs Edwin Ziegler Adams - New Orleans, USA 1920.
Carlos Torre vs Morris A Schapiro - New York 1924.
The Art Of Attack By Tal | Igor Blek vs Mikhail Tal: Latvia 1952.
Maia Chiburdanidze vs Vladimir P Malaniuk - Odessa 1982.
Emil Sutovsky vs Ilya Smirin - Tel Aviv 2002.
Attila Schneider vs Mark I Dvoretsky - Frunze 1983.
Lev Milman vs Joseph Fang - Connecticut 2005.
Louis Paulsen vs Paul Morphy - New York 1857.
Playing risky and winning brilliantly.
Italian Opening: Morphy vs Schulten.
Sanjuan vs Lenderman - Internet Blitz 2004.
Hoffmann vs Petrov "Petrov's Immortal" Warsaw 1844.
Slonim vs Riumin - Moscow 1932.
Alekhine vs Benitez / Vidal - Caracas 1939.
Alekhine vs Book - Margate 1938.
Alekhine vs Reti - Vienna 1922.
Rubinstein Plays Rubinstein Attack: Alekhine vs Rubinstein - 1923.
The Chess Thriller: Bagirov vs Gufeld - Kirovabad 1973.
Alekhine vs Euwe - Blitz 1921.
Potemkin vs Alekhine - St Petersburg 1912.
Alekhine vs Ostrogsky - Moscow 1910.
Nenad Fercec vs Bojan Medak.
How to pull a win out of thin air.
Epic Chess Games: Keres vs Najdorf - Sweden 1955.
Paul Keres vs Hungarian Champion.
Paul Keres vs Greatest Attacking Grandmaster.
The Monster Knights on the chessboard.
The King Hunt: Onischuk vs Vescovi - Russia 2002.
The King Hunt: Hoi vs Gulko-Greece 1988.
The King Hunt: Areshchenko vs Savon.
Is Greed Good?.
The Nuremberg's greates ever king hunt.
Brilliance from Atlanta.
Is this a Judo move in chess?.
A thunderbolt from a clear sky.
How to fight against an overextended centre?.
An eye of the Tigran.
Perenyi vs Eperjesi - Budapest 1974.
Bauermann vs Butze - Corr 1979.
Bezgodov vs Jounousov - Russia 1994.
Kotronias vs Deshun - Moscow 2011.
Bethge vs Legal - Berlin 1930.
Morphy vs Maurian - USA 1866.
Richardson vs Euwe - Hastings 1939.
Mike Papa Jr. vs Jules LeBon - USA 1987.
Aron Nimzowitsch vs Ryckhoff - Pernau 1910.
Ruslan Ponomariov vs Boris Gelfand-2008.
Cipollini vs Gubnitsky World Cup Correspondence 1977.
Kasparov vs Ivanchuk - Moscow 1988.
Korchnoi vs Sokolov - Wijk aan Zee 1993.
Sandor Horvath vs Bela Perenyi: Hungary 1972.
Berezovsky vs V Rusel - Odessa1984.
Cebalo vs Vasiukov Croatia - 2014.
Wahls vs Bjarnason - Sweden 1985.
Szukszta vs Tal - Uppsala 1956.
Destroying the Najdorf defence: Pegoraro vs Trotto - 2004.
The King Hunt: Riazantsev vs Nevostrujev - 2002.
Evans gambit: Globus vs Gross -1884.
Traxler Counterattack: Matula vs Leisebein - 1988.
Traxler Counterattack: Leisebein vs Pohl Germany - 1990.
Traxler Counterattack: Yakov Estrin vs Jiri Nun - 1965.
Traxler Counterattack: Babitsky vs Georgy Sapundzhiev - 1964.
Traxler Counterattack: Lum vs Jackson Dayton - 1978.
White Rook Youth Club vs Mikhail - Tal 1970.
Traxler Counterattack: 5.Bxf7.
A War On The Chess Board | Traxler Counterattack Thriller.
Traxler Counterattack: Jentzch vs Nosotta-1956.
Traxler Counterattack: Mikyska vs Traxler - 1896.
Traxler Counterattack: Reinisch vs Traxle - 1890.
Jose Raul Capablanca vs NN: Tartu 1914.
Tal destroys Scandinavian defence: Tal vs Chandler.
Tal destroys Pirc defence: Tal vs Petrosian.
The King Hunt: Bitanov vs Schmidt.
Gurgen Kanayan vs Yury Zelinsky - Russian Semi finals1956.
The King Hunt: Collins vs Hearst - 1949.
The King Hunt: Portisch vs Berger - 1964.
The King Hunt: Doubleday vs Kudrin - 2004.
The King Hunt: Fogarasi vs Medvegy - 2003.
The King Hunt: Glek vs Bunzmann - 2007.
The King Hunt: Kramnik vs Abramovic - 1993.
The King Hunt: Tarjan vs Hodgson - 1983.
The King Hunt: Alekhine vs Asgeirsson - Reykjavik 1931.
Wei Yi vs Anne Haast - 2015.
The Game of the Year: Wei Yi vs Lazaro Bruzon Batista.
Anthony Miles vs Boris Spassky-1978.
The King Hunt: Maier vs Israel - 2008.
The King Hunt: Engstrom vs Koumtsis - 2007.
The King Hunt: Zukertort vs NN -1877.
Mikhail Tal vs Bukhuti Gurgenidze - 1968.
Bent Larsen vs Mikhail Tal - 1969.
The King Hunt: Treybal v Moll - 1907.
The King Hunt; Wolf v Haas - 1911.
The King Hunt: Lukin v Timoshchenko - 1979.
Richard Reti vs Jose Raul Capablanca Berlin 1928.
The King Hunt: Lanzani v Rogers - 1984.
The King Hunt: Vaisser vs Knezevic - 1983.
The King Hunt: Popovic v Lazic - 1993.
The King Hunt: Geller vs Chiburdanidze - 1992.
The King Hunt: Martner vs Niemi - Dubrovnik 1950.
The King Hunt: Keres vs Book - 1937.
The King Hunt: Leonhardt vs Esser -1905.
The King Hunt: Fine vs Helms - New York 1945.
The King Hunt: Nedeljkovic vs Korchnoi - Leningrad 1957.
The King Hunt: Miller vs Dougherty - USA 2002.
John van der Wiel vs Gyula Sax - Bulgaria 1983.
The King Hunt: Kasparov vs Begun - Minsk 1978.
The King Hunt: Gilruth vs Yermolinsky-2000.
The King Hunt: Martner vs Najdorf - 1964.
The King Hunt: Spassky vs Marsalek - 1960.
The King Hunt: Keller vs Friedrich - 1976.
The King Hunt: Gifford v Jordan - 1976.
The King Hunt: Dubois vs Steinitz - 1862.
The King Hunt: Shobert vs Buchanan - 1975.
The King Hunt: Johner vs Steiner - 1928.
The King Hunt: Hans Kmoch vs NN - 1934.
Anatol Lokasto vs Kazimierz Marcinkowski Poland 1971.
The King Hunt: Williams v Helmke Dayton 1976.
The King Hunt: Hill vs Janeway - New York 1946.
The King Hunt: Tarrasch v Kuerschner - Nuremberg1893.
The King Hunt: v Parma vs Konci - 1960.
The King Hunt: NN vs Tarrasch - Munich 1932.
The King Hunt: Mandolfo vs Ignatz von Kolisch - Paris 1859.
The King Hunt:Duncan vs Siegheim - London 1920.
Mikhail Tal vs Vladimir Simagin - USSR 1956.
Mikhail Tal v Lev Polugaevsky Tbilisi 1959.
The King Hunt: Misteck vs Wilkens - Kassel 1939.
The King Hunt: Mackenzie vs Mason - Paris 1878.
The King Hunt: Neumann vs Dufresne - Berlin 1863.
The King Hunt: MacMurray vs Kussman - New York 1937.
The King Hunt: Albert W Fox vs H E Bauer - 1901.
The King Hunt: Honan Zaichev v Mardle Rochlin - 1954.
The King Hunt: Papantoniou vs Koutilin - Athens 1935.
The King Hunt: Rabinovich vs Goglidze - Russia 1939.
Alexander Ilyin Zhenevsky vs Peter Arsenievich Romanovsky Leningrad 1929.
The King Hunt: Charousek vs Wollner - 1893.
Ftacnik's Immortal: Polugaevsky v Ftacnik - Luzern 1982.
Boris Spassky vs David Bronstein - USSR 1960.
Zukertort's Immortal: Zukertort vs Blackburne - London 1883.
Per Ofstad vs Wolfgang Uhlmann Halle 1963.
Baadur Jobava vs Evgeny Bareev - Greece 2003.
Michael Adams vs Garry Kasparov - Spain 2005.
Petrov's Immortal: Hoffmann vs Petrov - 1844.
The King Hunt: Courel v Blake - 1904.
The King Hunt: Abrahams vs Spencer - Liverpool 1930.
The King Hunt: Varain vs Salminger - München 1895.
The King Hunt: Buckle vs NN - London 1840.
The King Hunt: Angel vs Buschke - New York 1940.
The King Hunt: Ivanovic vs Osterman - Yugoslavia 1979.
Mikhail Tal vs Jan Hein Donner - Netherlands 1968.
The King Hunt: Steinitz v Hodges - USA 1891.
The King Hunt: Spielmann vs Grossman - New York 1922.
The King Hunt: Hearst vs Wachs - USA 1954.
Thomas Mazuchowski v David Drumm - USA 1965.
The King Hunt: Keres P v Verbac - Cor 1955.
Ther King Hunt: L Guldin vs Flohr - Russia 1951.
The King Hunt: Kahn vs Estera - Argentina 1939.
The King Hunt: B Larsen vs T V Petrosian - Santa Monica 1966.
The King Hunt: Lanal vs NN - Belgium1929.
The King Hunt: Soultanbeieff vs Defosse 1941.
The King Hunt: Saljova vs Dworakowska - Svitavy 1993.
The King Hunt: Kunitz vs Salamon - Tanger 1907.
The King Hunt: Larsen vs Feeney - 1982.
The Pipe Game: Marshall vs Burn - Paris 1900.
The King Hunt: Lewis vs Dayton - USA 1942.
Torre Attack by Torre: Carlos Torre Repetto vs Friedrich Saemisch.
The King Hunt: Sprecher vs Lutz - Germany 1937.
Mikhail Tal vs Mikhail A Mukhin - Baku 1972.
Mikhail Tal vs Konstantin Klaman - Moscow 1957.
Luis A Palau v Jan W te Kolste-London 1927.
The King Hunt: Hort v Radulov - Hungary 1974.
Sokolsky Opening: Sokolsky vs Strugatsch 1958.
Reti Opening: Petrosian vs Pachman - Slovenia 1961.
Nimzo Indian Defense: Atalik vs Sax - Hungary 1997.
Czech Benoni Defense: Sirota vs Tsukerman-1987.
French Defense: Josef Dobias vs Jiri Podgorny - Czech Republic 1952.
Which chess program is better, HIARCS or Fritz?.
Brilliant attack on the castled king: Landa vs Shaposhnikov -Sochi 2005.
Fascinating Chess Game: J Timman vs J Polgar - Malmo (Sweden) 2000.
An Attacker vs An Attacker: Nedzhmetdinov vs Tal - Baku 1961.
One of the greatest games of the 20th Century: Polugaevsky vs Nezhmetdinov - Sochi 1958.
English Opening: Vaganian vs Planinc - Hastings 1974.
Fascinating attack by Judit Polgar: J Polgar vs Ferenc Berkes.
Nimzo Indian Defense: Geller vs Euwe - Zurich 1953.
The Greatest King Walk in History of Chess: Short vs Timman 1991.
The most beautiful game ever played: Morphy's Opera House Game.
English Opening: Topalov vs Ivanchuk Linares 1999.
Nimzo Indian Defence: David Bronstein vs Efim Geller.
Queen's Gambit Declined: Yuri Razuvaev vs Evgeni Sveshnikov.
Sicilian Defence: Walter Browne vs Miguel Quinteros.
Sicilan Defence, Moscow Variation: Adams vs Tiviakov 1994.
Sicilian Defence Grischuk vs Oral.
Modern Defence: Sokolov vs Shirov France 1994.
Queens Gambit Declined: Jeroen Piket vs Zurab Sturua.
Sicilian, Rossolimo Variation: Evgeny Sveshnikov vs Ruslan Sherbakov.
Neo-Queens Indian Defense: Malaniuk vs Alexandrov.
Nimzowitsch Defence: Sergei Smagin vs Dragutin Sahovic.
Istanbul Chess Olympiad 2012: Women Section- Vietnam vs USA.
Istanbul Chess Olympiad 2012: Adly Ahmed vs Lim Yee Weng.
Istanbul Chess Olympiad 2012: Lupulescu vs Ragger.
London System: Vassily Ivanchuk vs Alexey Shirov.
Sicilian, Rossolimo Attack: Ivanchuk vs Kasparov.
Nimzo Indian Defence, Leningrad Variation: Jan Timman vs Luc Winants.
Nimzo Indian Defence:Vasily Ivanchuk vs Istvan Csom.
Caro Kann: Alexander Beliavsky vs Bent Larsen.
Power of preparation: Grishchuk vs Hracek.
Queen's Indian Defence: Boris Spassky vs Mikhail Tal.
How good was Capablanca at the age of 12?.
Sicilian Defence, Chekhover Variation : Mikhail Tal vs Robert Byrne.
Dutch Defence: Walter Brown vs Robert Byrne.
Queen's Gambit Accepted: Miguel Illescas vs Matthew Sadler..
Sicilian Defence, Najdorf Variation: John van der Wiel vs Lubomir Ftacnik.
The Queen's Gambit Declined: Kasparov vs Dur..
Boris Spassky vs Mato Jelic.
Slav Defense, Exchange Variation: Seirwan vs Beliavsky.
Positional masterpiece: Kasparov vs Petrosian 1982.
Catalan Opening: Gennadi Sosonko vs Robert Hubner.
Trompowsky Attack: Rafael Vaganian vs Victor Kupreichik.
Poisoned Pawn: Rudolf Maric vs Svetozar Gligoric.
Instructive Slav Defense Game: Efstratios Grivas vs Li Shilong.
Instructive Slav Defense Game: Yannick Pelletier vs Erwin L'Ami.
Chess Tactics: The Hook and Ladder trick Aronian vs Svidler ..
Chess Tactics: Zwischenzug: Lichtenhein vs Morphy.
Zugzwang: The Tomb Game.
X ray attack: Petrosian vs Ree Wijk aan Zee 1971.
Chess Tactics: Desperado.
Chess Tactics: Overloading.
Chess Tactics: Overloading: Cebis P vs Nemec V.
Chess Tactics: Undermining: Colias B vs Ronco J.
Chess Tactics: Undermining: Levy vs Vaca.
Adelaide 2012 Checkmate Tournament: Xie George vs Mato Jelic.
Chess Tactic: Smothered checkmate: NN vs Elbrond Pedersen M.
ChessTactic: Diagonal Windmill - Pinter G vs Nixon T.
Chess Tactic - Windmill: Knoppel B vs Hogwall D.
Instructive Slav Defense Game: Carlsen vs Gelfand.
Instructive Endgame: Zetic vs Kutuzovic.
Slav Defense: Aleksander Wojtkiewicz vs John Donaldson.
Slav Defense: Reshevsky vs Smyslov.
Slav Defense: Jan Timman vs Garry Kasparov.
Instructive Slav Defense game by Kasparov: Sakaev vs Kasparov.
Instructive Slav Defense Game: Siebrecht vs Peralta.
Capablanca's shortest tournament win: Capablanca vs Colle.
Sicilian Dragon Variation: Emanuel Lasker vs Celso Golmayo Zupide.
Englund Gambit: Movsziszian K vs Schaffarth P.
Pawn storm by Bobby Fischer: Fischer vs Cardoso.
French Defence: Valentine Green vs Wilhelm Steinitz.
Caro-Kann: Svetozar Gligoric vs Djordje Avirovic.
Evans Gambit: Wilhelm Steinitz vs Ed Pilhal.
Vienna Game: Wilhelm Steinitz vs NN.
Tie-break Game 2 of 4: The World Chess Championship 2012.
Game 12: World Chess Championship - Anand vs Gelfand.
Game 11: The World Chess Championship 2012 - Gelfand vs Anand game11.
Scotch Gambit: Paul Morphy vs Hart.
Game 10: World Chess Championship 2012 - Anand vs Gelfand.
Game 9: World Chess Championship 2012 - Gelfand vs Anand.
Smother of Invention: Paul Morphy vs Schrufer.
Game 8: World Chess Championship 2012 - Anand vs Gelfand.
Game 7: World Chess Championship 2012 - Gelfand vs Anand.
Philidor Defence: Keres P vs NN.
Game 6: World Chess Championship 2012 - Gelfand vs Anand.
Game 5: World Chess Championship 2012 - Anand vs Gelfand.
Game 4: World Chess Championship 2012 - Gelfand vs Anand.
Game 3: The World Chess Championship 2012 - Anand vs Gelfand.
Sicilian Defence, Grand Prix Variation: Spangenberg vs Ftacnik.
Modern Defence: Mikhail Tal vs Fridrik Olafsson.
Svetozar Gligoric-Rest In Peace.
Modern Defence: Garry Kasparov vs Jon Speelman.
Maroczy's Immortal: Geza Maroczy vs Mikhail Chigorin.
The Immortal Queen Offers: Adams vs Torre.
Alexander McDonnell vs Louis Charles Mahe De La Bourdonnais.
Nunn's Immortal: Beliavsky vs Nunn 1985.
Chess Tactics: Double Bishop Sacrifice: Nimzowitsch vs Tarrasch.
Chess Tactics: Creeping move: Spassky vs Korchnoi.
Chess Tactics: Double Bishop Sacrifice: Lasker vs Bauer.
Capablanca's brilliant blindfold game: Jose Raul Capablanca vs Jaime Baca Arus.
The Ukraine Immortal: Efim Korchmar vs Abram Borisovich Poliak.
Judit Polgar's Best Game: J Polgar vs Anand.
Polgar's Immortal: Alexey Shirov VS Judit Polgar.
Traxler Counterattack: Reinisch J vs Karel Traxler.
The Chinese Immortal: Liu Wenzhe vs Jan Hein Donner.
Chess Handicap: Wilhelm Steinitz vs Rock.
The Evergreen Game: Adolf Anderssen vs Jean Dufresne.
Rubinstein's Immortal: Georg Rotlewi vs Akiba Rubinstein.
The Immortal King walk: Edward Lasker vs George Alan Thomas.
The Immortal Game: Anderssen vs Kieseritzky.
The Battle of Hastings | Wilhelm Steinitz vs Curt von Bardeleben.
Schlechter's Immortal: Bernhard Fleissig vs Carl Schlechter.
Brilliant Mouse Slip: Gelfand vs Anand Amber 2008.
Polish Immortal: Glinksberg vs Miguel Najdorf.
Blindfold Thriller: Anand vs Karpov.
Kasparov's quickest defeat: Deep Blue (Computer) vs Garry Kasparov 1997.
Kasparovs quickest defeat against a human.
London System: Stefanova A vs Rodriguez Lopez R.
Positional masterpiece in Modern Defence: Schaufelberger vs Ljubojevic.
Tal from Kazan: Rashid Nezhmetdinov vs P Ermolin.
Absolutely Fantastic Chess Game: Fischer vs Tal 1959.
How good was Kasparov when he was 14: Kasparov vs Kengis.
Catalan Gambit: Tukmakov V vs Korchnoi V.
Machine vs Human: Deep Fritz 10 vs V Kramnik.
Slav Defense: E Inarkiev vs A Shirov.
Chess on the highest level: V Topalov vs V Kramnik.
Slav Defense: J Zukertort vs W Steinitz 1886.
American Beauty: Stefan Levitsky vs Frank James Marshall 1912.
Amazing Chess Game: Queens Gambit Declined: Casas Fernando vs Piazzini Luis.
Bent Larsen vs Boris Spassky | When Pawns Attack | Spassky's 1970 Immortal.
Zhao Jun - Xiu Deshun -Amazing chess game.
Australian Masters Chess Championship: Bobby Cheng vs Erik Teichmann.

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