Construction of Real-Time Local Quantum Field in 1+1 Dimensions

Offered By: Prague Mathematical Physics Seminar via YouTube


Quantum Field Theory Courses Operator Algebra Courses Scalar Fields Courses Lattice Field Theory Courses Renormalization Group Courses

Course Description


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Explore the construction of real-time local quantum fields in 1+1-dimensions through this Prague Mathematical Physics Seminar talk. Delve into renormalization group techniques and their relations with algebraic quantum field theory as presented by Alexander Stottmeister from Leibniz University Hannover. Learn about lattice approximations used in real-time construction, avoiding the need for imaginary-time (Euclidean) settings. Understand the operator-algebraic formulation of the Wilson and Kadanoff renormalization group. Cover topics such as conceptual approaches, dualization, Wilson triangle, GNS construction, scalar lattice fields, transverse field Ising model, dynamic content, mixed boundary conditions, learning transform, continuum limit, translation invariance, dual lattices, selfdouble formalism, scaling limit construction, ground state, chiral decomposition, conformal symmetry, orthonormal scaling, examples of WC and smooth wavelets, limit state, convergence, correlation functions, quantum simulation, nonabelian currents, and the Wilsonian framework. Gain insights into this complex field of mathematical physics over the course of 1 hour and 17 minutes.


Quantum field theory
Conceptual approaches
Wilson triangle
Gns construction
Scalar lattice fields
Transverse field easing model
Dynamic content
Mixed boundary conditions
Learning transform
Reformulation of the model
Continuum limit
Translation invariant
Dual lattices
Selfdouble formalism
Scaling limit construction
Ground state
Selfdouble Hamiltonian
Chiral decomposition
Conformance symmetry
Orthonormal scaling
WC wavelets
Smooth wavelets
Limit state
Correlation Functions
Quantum Simulation
Nonabelian currents
Wilsonian framework
Wilsonian approach

Taught by

Prague Mathematical Physics Seminar

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