Fast, Documented and Reliable JSON Based Webservices with Python
Offered By: EuroPython Conference via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the creation of fast, documented, and reliable JSON-based web services using Python in this 43-minute EuroPython 2013 conference talk. Dive into TurboGears framework, learn about MongoDB integration for scalable data storage, and discover testing techniques with DebugBar. Examine the tgext.crud extension, leverage sphinx for powerful documentation, and utilize tgjsonautodoc for automatic API documentation. Gain insights into deployment strategies using Circus and Gevent, and understand how to orchestrate the entire stack for efficient web service development.
What's going to come
Why TurboGears
Start Small
Where to store? Try MongoDB
It scales! Really easy to shard
MongoDB on TurboGears
Testing MongoDB
DebugBar in action
Try tgext.crud
No, for real!
Great, now how do I use it?
D11nman, sphinx superpowers
Quickly write references
Using tgjsonautodoc
Docstrings everywhere!
Setup Sphinx
Going on Circus and Gevent
Circus Config
Orchestrating the whole stack
Taught by
EuroPython Conference
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