AI Body Language Decoder with MediaPipe and Python

Offered By: Nicholas Renotte via YouTube


Object Detection Courses Machine Learning Courses Python Courses Computer Vision Courses OpenCV Courses Data Collection Courses Model Training Courses Mediapipe Courses

Course Description


Learn to decode body language using AI in this comprehensive 90-minute Python tutorial. Leverage MediaPipe to estimate facial and body landmarks, then build custom pose classification models for fine-grained body language analysis. Set up MediaPipe for Python, estimate face and body poses using a webcam and OpenCV, collect and process joint coordinates with Pandas, train a custom pose classification model using Scikit-Learn, and decode body language in real-time. Customize the project for various applications like drowsiness detection or extended pose classification with hand models. Follow along with step-by-step instructions, from installation to implementation, and gain practical skills in AI-powered body language interpretation.


- Start
- Introduction
- How it Works
- Tutorial Start
- Installing Mediapipe and Dependencies
- Capture Landmarks using OpenCV and CSV
- Load Pose and Face Data using Pandas
- Train Sciki-Learn Pose Classification Model
- Evaluate Classification Model and Pickle
- Making Detections using the Model
- Decoded Body Language Demo
- Displaying Probabilities
- Adding in New Poses
- Wrap Up

Taught by

Nicholas Renotte

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