Best Practices for Effective Team Management in Remote Environments
Offered By: Drupal Association via YouTube
Course Description
Discover effective strategies for building and managing high-performance teams in this 19-minute conference talk from the Drupal Association. Explore the challenges of remote team management and learn how to create a framework for stronger collaboration and long-term success. Gain insights into the characteristics of effective teams, common management mistakes, and success factors for team building. Learn how to foster trust, respect, and teamwork regardless of your role. Understand the importance of clear communication, alignment, and accountability in remote work environments. Whether you're a current team leader or aspiring to lead teams in the future, this talk provides valuable tips and experiences for creating an environment where team members can excel and achieve great results.
AGENCY & BUSINESS - My Way or Highway: Best Practices for Effective Team Management
Taught by
Drupal Association
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