AGENCY & BUSINESS - A Bitter-Sweet MVP: The Holy Grail of Agile Development

Offered By: Drupal Association via YouTube


Agile Development Courses Web Development Courses Project Management Courses Drupal Courses Digital Transformation Courses Business Strategy Courses Stakeholder Management Courses Client Relations Courses Scope Management Courses Minimum Viable Product Courses

Course Description


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Explore the challenges and strategies of implementing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach in agile development through a case study of Leica Camera AG's platform migration to Drupal. Delve into crucial aspects such as prioritizing customer needs, managing stakeholder expectations, and balancing business impact with internal demands in politically charged environments. Learn how to navigate the complexities of MVP-based projects, including proper scoping, team setup, and integration of business systems. Gain insights on maintaining strong client relationships, recognizing early warning signs, and implementing internal changes to ensure project success. Benefit from real-world experiences and lessons learned to optimize your own MVP development process and avoid common pitfalls in agile project management.


AGENCY & BUSINESS - A bitter-sweet MVP: the Holy Grail of the agile development

Taught by

Drupal Association

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