Advanced Course in General Relativity - Lecture 2
Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube
Course Description
Advanced course in general relativity Lecture - 2
Effective equations for a test particle
Newtonian theory
Restore epsilon to minus one
Newtonian case
GR case
Bound orbit
Innermost circular orbit
What is called innermost stable circular orbit radius?
What is the amount of precision compared to the Kepler problem in Newtonian theory?
Newtonian theory
What are the typical velocities in solar system?
Newtonian theory - Orbit is basically a conic section ellipse
Analgesic equation
Light orbits
What is the effective potential?
Photon energies is lower than by L square by 2m
Introduction of Karrdometric
What is the idea that fortune solution represents a static geometry?
Stationary; Axis symmetric
Coordinate system
What do you mean my gravitational radiation?
Taught by
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
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