Integrated Information Theory - A Perspective on Weak and Strong Versions

Offered By: Models of Consciousness Conferences via YouTube


Models of Consciousness Courses Critical Thinking Courses Neuroscience Courses Philosophy of Mind Courses Cognitive Sciences Courses Consciousness Courses Phenomenology Courses Integrated Information Theory Courses

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Explore a conference talk that delves into Integrated Information Theory (IIT) and its implications for understanding consciousness. Examine the distinction between 'weak' and 'strong' versions of IIT, with a focus on the foundational concepts and experimental predictions. Learn about the challenges faced by the mathematical formulae proposed in IIT for measuring consciousness, and understand the resulting divide among consciousness researchers. Discover the case for a 'weak' form of IIT as a potential cornerstone for future theories of consciousness, emphasizing the informative and integrated nature of conscious experiences. Review empirical evidence supporting these ideas through observations of neural dynamics in conscious versus unconscious humans. Critically analyze the limitations of the Phi measure of integrated information and consider potential paths forward in consciousness research. This talk, presented by Adam Barrett from the Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science at the University of Sussex, was filmed at the Models of Consciousness conference at the University of Oxford in September 2019.


Adam Barrett - Integrated information theory: a perspective on `weak’ and `strong’ versions

Taught by

Models of Consciousness Conferences

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