Active Processes in Cells and Tissues - Symmetry Breaking of Biological Cells - Lecture 1

Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube


Cell Biology Courses Morphogenesis Courses Biophysics Courses Cytoskeleton Courses Symmetry Breaking Courses Active Matter Courses

Course Description


Explore the fascinating world of active processes in cells and tissues in this lecture by Frank Jülicher from the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems. Delve into the dynamic nature of living matter and how it organizes into complex patterns and spatial structures. Examine fundamental biological questions about the emergence of spatial patterns and morphologies at cellular and multicellular scales. Discover how living systems are driven far from thermodynamic equilibrium by constant energy flux through metabolic processes. Investigate key concepts such as cell symmetry breaking, polarity, and chirality, and their roles in organism development. Learn about fluid flows generated by active processes and their importance in cellular symmetry breaking. Explore collective organization during morphogenesis, including tissue remodeling through cell rearrangements, divisions, and flows. Gain insights into how cells and tissues behave as a form of active matter with unique dynamics and material properties crucial for biological morphogenesis.


DATE: 09 December 2019, 16:00 to
Lecture 1: 9 December 2019, PM
Lecture 2: 10 December 2019, PM
Lecture 3: 11 December 2019, PM
Lecture 4: 12 December 2019, PM
Active processes in cells and tissues Lecture 1
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Active Processes in Cells and Tissues
Lecture I Symmetry breaking of biological cells
Lecture I - Outline
Cell movements
Molecular motors
Motility assay
Active filament networks
Passive and active systems
Cell division
From a single cell to an organism
Cell polarity and cell chirality
Asymmetric cell division
Cell polarity
Cell polarity and flows
Mechano-chemical patterning
The cell cortex
Active fluids
Force dipoles
Active stress
Cell surface tension
Rheology of the cell cortex
Constitutive equation
Thin active film
Step change of active tension
Hydrodynamic length scale
Flow measurements
Active stress and flow profile
Self-organisation of active fluids
Dynamic pattern - steady state
Geometry of surfaces
Constitutive equations
Mechano-chemical instability on a sphere
Establishment of cell polarity
A mechano-chemical switch
Quantification and comparison
Spontaneous flow instability
Stability diagram
Spontaneous formation of a contractile ring
Self-organization of shape
Force and torque balances
Instability of an active sphere
Shape instabilities
Tubular instability
Chiral flow patterns
Enhanced chiral flows
Active chiral processes
Thin chiral active gel
Active stress and chiral flows
Chiral flows
Left-right symmetry breaking in the roundworm
Rotation of cell division axis
Chiral velocity
Symmetric division: chiral flows
Chiral flows rotate division axis
Left-right asymmetry of organisms
Left-right asymmetry in mammals
Chirality in Biology
Symmetry breaking by active processes
Mechano-chemical instabilities of active surfaces
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems

Taught by

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

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