A Systematic Analysis of X-ray Emission in Optically Selected Tidal Disruption Events

Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube


Tidal Disruption Events Courses Astrophysics Courses X-ray Astronomy Courses Supermassive Black Holes Courses

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Explore a 30-minute conference talk on the systematic analysis of X-ray emission in optically selected Tidal Disruption Events (TDEs), presented by Muryel Guolo from Johns Hopkins University. Delve into the latest research findings on TDEs, which occur when stars are destroyed by supermassive black holes, resulting in luminous accretion flares. Gain insights into galactic nuclei properties and central black holes through this presentation, part of the "Anticipating the Rising Tide of Tidal Disruption Events: Theory and Observation" conference held at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics. Discover how recent advances in wide-field survey capabilities have accelerated TDE detection rates and learn about the theoretical uncertainties in TDE modeling. Understand the conference's goal of uniting diverse astronomers working on TDEs, variable Active Galactic Nuclei, and X-ray binaries to bridge theory and observation in this fascinating field of astrophysics.


A systematic analysis of the X-ray emission in optically selected TDEs ▸ Muryel Guolo (JHU)

Taught by

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics

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