A Short Journey Through Graph Embedding Techniques - Part 2

Offered By: Fields Institute via YouTube


Bioinformatics Courses Data Visualization Courses Machine Learning Courses Feature Extraction Courses Social Network Analysis Courses Network Analysis Courses Dimensionality Reduction Courses Recommendation Systems Courses Graph Embeddings Courses

Course Description


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Explore advanced graph embedding techniques in this 48-minute lecture by Mario Rosario Guarracino from the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio. Delve into the continuation of the journey through graph embedding methods, building upon the foundations laid in Part 1. Gain insights into cutting-edge approaches for representing complex network structures in lower-dimensional spaces. Learn about the latest developments in graph embedding algorithms and their applications in various fields such as social network analysis, recommendation systems, and bioinformatics. Discover how these techniques can be leveraged to extract meaningful features from graph data and improve downstream machine learning tasks. Engage with real-world examples and case studies that demonstrate the practical implications of graph embedding in solving complex network problems.


A Short Journey Through Graph Embedding Techniques (Part 2)

Taught by

Fields Institute

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