Fuzzing Windows RDP Client for Vulnerabilities - A Research Journey

Offered By: Black Hat via YouTube


Windows Courses Cybersecurity Courses Race Conditions Courses Network Protocols Courses Security Testing Courses Fuzzing Courses Remote Code Execution Courses Vulnerability Research Courses

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Explore the process of conducting vulnerability research on the Windows RDP client in this 24-minute Black Hat conference talk. Learn why Windows RDP was chosen as a target, how to gather public information to initiate research, and techniques for modifying open-source fuzzing tools. Discover the journey of overcoming challenges to uncover remote code execution vulnerabilities in Windows RDP clients, including the incorporation of race conditions into the research. Gain insights into the details of the discovered vulnerabilities and receive recommendations for Windows RDP vulnerability defense. Presented by security experts from DBAPPSecurity, this talk offers valuable knowledge for those interested in protocol security and vulnerability research.


A Glimpse Into The Protocol: Fuzz Windows RDP Client For Fun And Profit

Taught by

Black Hat

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