A Dynamic Mean-field Model of Academic Collaboration

Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube


Mathematical Modeling Courses Probability Theory Courses Statistical Physics Courses

Course Description


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Explore a dynamic mean-field model of academic collaboration in this 58-minute lecture presented by Soumendu Sundar Mukherjee at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences. Delve into the mathematical modeling of collaborative networks in academia, examining how researchers form connections and produce joint work. Learn about the application of probability theory and statistical physics concepts to understand the evolution of scientific partnerships over time. Gain insights into the structural properties of academic networks, the dynamics of collaboration, and the factors influencing research productivity. Discover how this model contributes to the broader field of network science and its potential implications for understanding and optimizing scientific collaboration.


A Dynamic Mean-field Model of Academic Collaboration by Soumendu Sundar Mukherjee

Taught by

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

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