Analyzing Milton's Lycidas: Pastoral Framework and Prophetic Voice - Lecture 7
Offered By: Yale University via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the second lecture on Milton's "Lycidas" in this 53-minute video from Yale University's ENGL 220 course. Delve into the poem's intrusions and revelations, connecting Saint Peter's sermon to Puritan practices and controversies. Examine the work's use of pairs and substitutions, and witness Milton's transition from claims of inexperience to a prophetic voice reminiscent of Isaiah. Analyze the poem's beginning, pastoral framework, and dramatic structure featuring four mourners. Gain insights into Milton's "The Reason of Church Government" and his evolution as a prophetic poet. Access complete course materials on the Open Yale Courses website for this Fall 2007 recording.
- Chapter 1. Introduction: Analyzing the Beginning of "Lycidas"
- Chapter 2. The Pastoral Framework of "Lycidas"
- Chapter 3. Milton: "The Reason of Church Government"
- Chapter 4. The Dramatic Structure of "Lycidas": A Succession of Four Mourners
- Chapter 5. Milton: The Prophetic Poet?
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