Energiespeicher von heute für die Energie von morgen
Offered By: media.ccc.de via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the future of energy storage and sustainable power solutions in this 58-minute conference talk from the 36th Chaos Communication Congress. Delve into the challenges of storing renewable energy for consistent supply, especially during periods of low wind and sunlight. Compare various storage technologies, including electrolysis, pumped-storage hydroelectricity, supercapacitors, and mechanical storage. Examine the future of mobility without combustion engines, weighing the pros and cons of battery-powered and hydrogen-fueled vehicles. Gain insights into the Nobel Prize-winning lithium-ion battery technology and its potential for electromobility and solar energy storage. Consider alternative battery chemistries like sodium-sulfide and explore hydrogen production and storage methods. Analyze the ongoing debate between battery-powered and hydrogen-fueled vehicles, considering scientific, economic, political, and ethical perspectives. Learn about energy density, potential risks, and innovative concepts like artificial leaves and solar-powered kerosene production.
Wer bin ich, warum stehe ich hier?
HZB Einrichtungen
Lithium lonen?
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019
Whittingham's Batterie
Goodenough's Batterie
Yoshino's Batterie
Die ganze Story zum Nachhören
Dinge, die schief gehen können
Wasserstoff ist nicht so einfach...
Energiespeicher in der Natur
Vision "Künstliches Blatt"
Kerosin aus Sonnenlicht
HZB Podcasts
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