The Rise of Christianity - From Apocalyptic Movement to World Religion
Offered By: Yale University via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the transformation of early Christianity from a small apocalyptic movement to a major world religion in this 48-minute lecture from Yale University's "Introduction to New Testament" course. Trace the development of different sects, philosophical theologies, and martyrology in the second century. Examine the rise of asceticism, monasticism, and persecution in the third century. Analyze the impact of Constantine's ascension and the Christian Roman Empire in the fourth century. Investigate the 19th-century categorization of Christianity as a "world religion." Delve into the growth of Christianity before Constantine through engaging content and a Q&A session. Access complete course materials on the Open Yale Courses website for a comprehensive understanding of this pivotal period in religious history.
- Chapter 1. Christianity in the Second Century: Gnostics, Philosophers, Martyrs, and Apologists
- Chapter 2. Christianity in the Third Century: Asceticism, Monasticism, and Persecution
- Chapter 3. Christianity in the Fourth Century: Constantine and the Church Councils
- Chapter 4. Christianity as a "World Religion"
- Chapter 5. The Growth of Christianity before Constantine and Q&A
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