Dante's Paradise XXVII-XXIX - Cosmology, Creation, and Theological Themes

Offered By: Yale University via YouTube


Literature Courses Cosmology Courses Metaphysics Courses Theology Courses Medieval Literature Courses Dante Alighieri Courses Divine Comedy Courses

Course Description


Explore a comprehensive lecture from Yale University's "Dante in Translation" course, focusing on Paradise XXVII-XXIX of Dante's Divine Comedy. Delve into St. Peter's criticism of the papacy, drawing parallels with Dante's portrayal of Pope Boniface VIII in Inferno. Examine the proliferation of infernal character recalls as the pilgrim ascends with Beatrice into the primum mobile. Analyze Dante's perception of Ulysses' journey and its connection to Francesca's story, highlighting the convergence of cosmology and creation in the heaven of metaphysics. Gain insights into the order of angels, the shift to the order of creation, and engage in thought-provoking discussions on creation, incarnation, sexual language, and theological risk throughout this 1-hour 14-minute lecture.


- Chapter 1. Canto XXVII: St. Peter and the Boundary of the Material Universe
- Chapter 2. Canto XXVIII: The Order of Angels
- Chapter 3. Shift to the Order of Creation in Canto XXIX
- Chapter 4. Question and Answer on Creation, Incarnation
- Chapter 5. Question and Answer on Sexual Language, Theological Risk

Taught by



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